UNCHAC Calls Children Protection at Middle East!

The Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict, the international coalition of educational institutions dedicated to the protection of children before, during, and after armed conflict, expresses its strong and unequivocal condemnation of any and all human rights violations and international humanitarian law breaches perpetrated on the Israeli and Palestinian territories. We are deeply concerned about…

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FESU Members Attended the IAU Zooming Webinar for the Knowledge Diplomacy in a Changing World!

Paris, France: IAU Webinar Series: Knowledge Diplomacy in a Changing World // October 24th, 2023. In times of geopolitical, social and economic upheaval, dialogue and collaborative aspects of public diplomacy are crucial. In the past, science and cultural diplomacy were seen as an important contribution of universities. More recently, the focus has shifted to knowledge…

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On Wednesday FESU attended live-zooming International Hybrid conference for Education and made tremendous Speech!

Speech by Dr. Daud Abdi Daud’ lectural speech from Mogadishu, Somalia: The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU), created under the auspices of UN Strategic Joint for Educational Matters Development UNSJEDM)  in 2022, is a membership-based organisation serving the national higher education community through: expertise & trends analysis, publications & portals, advisory services, peer-to-peer learning, events…

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Somalia Educators is endorsed to join the International Autumn School Course!

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) thrilled to acknowledge that her member and non-member Universities educators and teachers is being endorsed to attend the International Autumn School Course today. The International Autumn School leaders said “We are very pleased to share with you the final programme of the International Autumn School, “Judicial and social aspects…

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FESU Member Universities are Starting Biometrics Usage!

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) thrilled to disseminate that her member Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) are planning to start using Biometrics which is the science of automatically recognizing people based on physical or behavioral characteristics such as face, fingerprint, iris, hand, voice, gait, and signature. Biometrics are body measurements and calculations related to human…

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Fellowships: TWAS PhD and Postdoctoral

TWAS – The World Academy of Sciences, a Programme unit of UNESCO https://twas.org/ – is pleased to announce the call for applications of the TÜBİTAK- TWAS Fellowships for PhD and Postdoctoral research tenable in Türkiye. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and TWAS – The World Academy of Sciences have established a Fellowship Programme for foreign scholars from…

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