Welcome FESU Awards Page (A.P)!

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) is a Non- Governmental Organization registered in the country to operate in the Informative and educative knowledge systems and related Communications, and Advocacy sectors in the nation and beyond.

Established in January 24 2022, is one of the few local higher education development organizations working in the Somali speaking region of the Horn of Africa. Using the media multiplier effect, FESU works strategically with chosen local media partners, catalyzing change not only in the way journalists report but also in the way their audiences understand issues. FESU has built strategic networks and achieved local buy in from development organizations.

What is the meaning of university award?

An award title is a university qualification (e.g. BA (Hons) History) or the its university granted to a student for successful completion of a programme of prescribed and assessed learning at a specified level conforming with the relevant provisions of the Academic Regulations.

FESU and Google-company also believes that first things first is the goaler and the bearer such awards, what counts as an academic honor or award? Generally speaking, an academic honor or award is any major achievement you’ve made and been recognized for in some way. The form of recognition can range from an actual object, such as a trophy or plaque, to prize money, a title, or verbal recognition.


Award 2-–::- FESU Merit Award of the Year 2024 Goes to Baidoa University!

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) thrilled to announce her second year Merit Award recipient and is Baidoa University in which is based at Southwest regional State in Somalia.

This is a part of Somalia 2030 EDUCOP Campaigns for Education Development while FESU next University will be under watch after the first recipient announcement.

Award 1—::- FESU Merit Award of the Year 2023 Goes to SYL University!

The SYL University was established 2016 in Mogadishu -Somalia by a group of Somali scholars and intellectuals to fill the existing gap in the higher education.

Her indegrative is to prepare the learners to become academically excellent and professional in various disciplines and to produce competent scholars and leaders. Continue reading