FESU started Schools Engagement Programs as ASOFNET Venture!

The Associated Schools of FESU is a public/private partnership-based initiative from the Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) in consultative status with UNESCO and international education institutions around the world. ASOF is alike infrastructure project for the benefit of public safety communities by providing activities aimed at increasing the awareness of the spreading phenomenon of the…

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Somalia Higher Education Institutions Global Integration Project is Redefined  

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) was setup a national plan for trading among Somalia Higher Education Institutions SHEI and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in order to shift local knowledge impacts into the international community of education. The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) was invited her members to join on…

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FESU have your say on WED celebration around the world!

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) in which is created under the auspices of UN Strategic Joint for Educational Matters Development UNSJEDM)  in 2022, and is a membership-based organisation serving the national higher education community through is thrilled this week to celebrate the 2023’s World Environment Day and aimed to create non-stop project entitled “EDUSOMWED…

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Nile University of Somalia Joins FESU this Month of June 2023!

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) and her entire members from Somalia higher education institutions and practitioners are welcoming Nile University of Somalia as its member of the national federation and joined this month of June, 2023. Nile University of Somalia will join to the Federation of African Universities (FAU) automatically as scheduled to announce…

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Green Hope University Joins FESU Today

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) and her entire members from Somalia higher education institutions and practitioners are welcoming Green Hope University as it was joined the national federation this month of June, 2023. Green Hope University will join to the Federation of African Universities (FAU) automatically as scheduled to announce it on FAU website…

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FESU Congrats her Member Students due to the Final Exam startization in across Somalia

The final exams for the academic year 2022-23 are begin on in across Somalia on June, 2023. The exam-controlled envoys from the government education institutions and both public and private universities staff are configuring the timetables as it was provided on time. The Director General of the Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) H. E. Dr….

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FESU Members Promoted PCVE Operations Project in across Somalia Higher Education Industry

since the start of the Global War on Terror on 11 September, 2001, the approach to counter-terrorism has remained overwhelmingly focused on security-dominated responses, despite such approaches repeatedly proving insufficient to prevent and counter the spread of violent extremism across the globe. Despite evidence and experience demonstrating that strategic, comprehensive, and holistic approaches can wield…

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SYL University Joined FESU Federation

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) and her entire members from Somalia higher education institutions and practitioners are welcoming SYL University membership of the FESU which is imperative one while the Federation of African Universities (FAU) will announce her membership intakes on June 25, 2023 including SYL university. SY L University was started in 2016…

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FESU Joins Regional and Global Educational Groups from the Knowledge Society

The Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) thrilled to join the education community forums just to share ednews in general. This month of May 2023 FESU appeared and joined the education community platforms around the world including the Global Institute of Education Training and Development (GIED), the Social-Emotional Learning in Education Community (SELEC) and the International…

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FESU member universities is invited Publication launch ‘Lifelong learning: an imperative for higher education

On 5 June 2023, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and Shanghai Open University (SOU), in collaboration with the International Association of Universities, will host a webinar to launch two publications on the vital role of higher education institutions in lifelong learning. In the context of fast-paced technological developments, the climate crisis, persistent social…

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