Since the start of the Global War on Terror, the approach to counter-terrorism has remained overwhelmingly focused on security-dominated responses, despite such approaches repeatedly proving insufficient to prevent and counter the spread of violent extremism across the globe. Despite evidence and experience demonstrating that strategic, comprehensive, and holistic approaches can wield a far greater – and more lasting – impact on the prevention and countering of violent extremism, PCVE remains under-utilized specially in Somalia because Somalia is the most dangerous country to live without to be non-Islam, even the foreign families from other Islamic departments within suni-beleivers like Shia cannot maintain to live in Somalia.

Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism

On 15 January 2016 the Secretary-General presented a Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism to the General Assembly. On 12 February 2016, the General Assembly adopted a resolution welcoming the initiative by the Secretary-General, and taking note of his Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism.

The Plan of Action calls for a comprehensive approach encompassing not only essential security-based counter-terrorism measures but also systematic preventive steps to address the underlying conditions that drive individuals to radicalize and join violent extremist groups.

The Plan is an appeal for concerted action by the international community. It provides more than 70 recommendations to Member States and the United Nations System to prevent the further spread of violent extremism.

FESU will produce soon some important recommendations with strategic commands in order to resolve the matter and be it the first change agent in across Somalia.