Christianity is Academic Royalty for Political Republication Roots!

The Social Organism Academy of FESU (SOAF) has had opportunities to identify the three (3) major Global questionaries in Academic Challenges related to Christianity Subject before repubtiesing as religion and is commonsense policy in across the Commonwealth nations and UN system.

Hinduism: Hinduism is a religion deeply rooted in nature. The sacred text (Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Epics) has many references of divinity related …

According to UNEP, all religions agree that nature is an act of divinity and should be treated as such. Almost all religions address the issue of the creation of the universe, or universes, in different forms and with varying degrees of clarity or detail. However, all religions agree that the creation is an act of God and should be treated as such.  

SOAF department asked Dr. Daud Abdi Daud who heads FESU as Director General such acts for Christianity and he sai “Spiritual leaders at all levels are critical to the success of the global solidarity for an ethical, moral and spiritual commitment to protect the environment and God’s creatures but they have the right to research who is God while as UN family community of nations are not observed indeed the real root to Faithwhere to Us since its creation as UN entity.

“These leaders can become observers, make public commitments, share the story of their commitments and the challenges and joys of keeping them, and invite others to join them. In addition, they can display their sustainable behaviors, serving as role models for their followers and the public as the root from God’s like mellower.

However, FESU knows in general that there no any forums related to religion matter being discussed in Somalia as the act of UNEP concepts and conventions whether not Islam or Christianity the following is a reflection on how religions have addressed religious commitments towards the environment.

Finally, Somalia was absent since 1990 and it will soon start to review UNEP’s status as Parliamentarian dialogues after her Constitutions ratification as pure independent nation.

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