The Top 10 Academically Credibility Ranked Universities in Somalia on the year of 2024!

According to the Federation of Somalia Universities (FESU) first year running research, the below list place is the first Top 10 Credibility Ranked Universities in Somalia Higher Education University Rankings for the best University in the Nation over 2024” are the best universities in the country for 2024.

A record of 100 universities from four regional states including Banadir region was part of our research estimations and  are also part of this year’s rankings as the competition in the national integration and democracy intensifies. As result of that, we made tremendous research with gigantic investigative measurements and dramatic monitoring and evaluation (M&E) improvements in academic manner just to acknowledge for our finding’s that the best democratic universities in Somalia are listed here this year.

This is the first year that research into cadre from FESU had an impact on the best universities in the country rankings data, reflecting the vital role of universities in understanding and managing the lack of democracy mechanisms in a country without functioning central administration and still in a covid 19 pandemic crisis and providing China with a significant boost, as several of its universities including Wuhan University (157th) and Capital Medical University (501-600 band) saw moves up the table as a result of highly cited research into the virus.

Since the start of the Global War on Terror, the approach to counter-terrorism has remained overwhelmingly focused on security-dominated responses, despite such approaches repeatedly proving insufficient to prevent and counter the spread of violent extremism across the globe. Despite evidence and experience demonstrating that strategic, comprehensive, and holistic approaches can wield a far greater – and more lasting – impact on the prevention and countering of violent extremism, PCVE remains under-utilized specially in Somalia because Somalia is the most dangerous country to live without to be nonIslam even the foreign families from other Islamic department sun-beleivers like Shia cannot maintain to live in Somalia.


  1. Jaamacadda Ummadda (the National University)
  2. Green hope University
  3. Capital University
  4. Daaru-Salaam University
  5. Bay University
  6. Salaam University
  7. University of Bosaso
  8. University of Southern Somalia
  9. SYL University
  10. Nile University
  11. Qudus University

FESU will produce soon some important recommendations with strategic commands in order to resolve the matter and let it be the first change agent working to serve Somalia universities by solving the status on this matter in across Somalia.

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